Description: This data source is a repository for boundary maintenance and research activities for Agency of Natural Resource lands. It is used to document survey markers and collect boundary evidence by field staff in Vermont's Departments of Forests, Parks & Recreation, Fish & Wildlife, and Environmental Conservation. It also stores GPS positions from surveys to aid in re-locating survey points.
Copyright Text: State Lands Administration and OUtdoor Recreation, FPR
Description: This a centroid, point representing the center of an ANR Unit (e.g. Tuner Hill WMA) that can be used for cartographic needs usually at smaller scales.
Color: [143, 152, 140, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: baseline Horizontal Alignment: left Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 8 Font Family: Corbel Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
Description: The Forest Legacy Program (FLP) is a federal grant program to protect forestlands from conversion to non-forest uses. The Vermont Department of Forests, Parks & Recreation working in conjunction with the USDA Forest Service is the State Lead Agency for Vermont's Forest Legacy Program. The federal Forest Legacy (16 U.S.C. Sec. 2103c) program was part of the 1990 Federal Farm Bill. The program acknowledges that most forested lands in the United States are held in private ownership and that those landowners are facing growing financial pressure to convert those lands to uses that would remove them from the forested land base. Much of this pressure arises from the demand for residential and commercial development.
Copyright Text: US Forest Service, Forests, Parks & Recreation
Description: he Vermont Rivers Program promotes the protection of river corridors through its River Corridor Easement Program. The intent of this program is to provide a financial incentive to landowners to allow for passive restoration of channel stability by allowing the natural erosive forces of the river to establish its least erosive form over time. Under a river corridor easement, the landowner sells their river channel management rights within the meander belt width corridor of sensitive and erosive streams. The purpose of the program is to reduce conflict with unstable streams and maximize the public benefits associated with geomorphically stable streams and floodplains. Priority is given to those projects, identified in river corridor plans, which protect or restore the flow, sediment, and nutrient attenuation areas within Vermont river basins. Channel management rights are purchased as part of a stand-alone easement or as an amendment to other land conservation easements.The width and configuration of river corridors are defined by the Vermont Rivers Program to accommodate the natural processes, meander pattern and slope of the stream in its equilibrium condition. Upon selling the channel management rights, the landowner is restricted from intervening with erosion and channel adjustments within the corridor. River corridor easements may be transacted as part of larger river restoration projects and in conjunction with the other conservation practices and programs. Agriculture and silviculture are permitted within the river corridor easement area. The three primary components of a river corridor easement are:Transfer of channel management rights to a land trustNo new structures/development within the river corridorA minimum 50 ft. riparian buffer of native woody vegetation whose location floats with the river
Copyright Text: Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information, errors may be reflected in data supplied. The user must be aware of data conditions and bear responsibility for the appropriate use of the information with respect to possible errors, orginal map scale, collection methodology, currency of data, and other condition. Secondary distribution must be accompanied by this documentation. Credit should always be given to the data source when this data is transferred or printed.
Description: This is the parcel layer dissolved by ANR Department, Unit and legal interest to satisfy cartographic needs (e.g. Groton State Forest).
Copyright Text: Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information, errors may be reflected in data supplied. The user must be aware of data conditions and bear responsibility for the appropriate use of the information with respect to possible errors, orginal map scale, collection methodology, currency of data, and other condition. Secondary distribution must be accompanied by this documentation. Credit should always be given to the data source when this data is transferred or printed.
Description: GIS dataset representing ANR's legal interest in land. The parcel layer will show acquisition history when the GIS development has been completed.
Description: This is a continuously updated view of ANR's submittal for the Vermont Protected Lands Database (VPLD). Polygons satisfying this query Audience = 'Public' And STEWARD = '45000' will show-up in the view. The view is created from the ANR Lands Dataset.
Copyright Text: Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information, errors may be reflected in data supplied. The user must be aware of data conditions and bear responsibility for the appropriate use of the information with respect to possible errors, original map scale, collection methodology, currency of data, and other condition. Secondary distribution must be accompanied by this documentation. Credit should always be given to the data source when this data is transferred or printed.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: GAPSTATUS, length: 2
, Coded Values:
[1: Permanent protection from conversion,no interference - for full description see metadata or standard.]
, [2: Permanent protection from conversion,some interference allowed - for full description see metadata or standard.]
, [3: Permanent protection from conversion,some extraction allowed - for full description see metadata or standard.]
, ...1 more...
Description: This layer view queries the ANR Lands Dataset's Encumbrance notes, funding source and ppagency1-3 for VHCB. SQL query: PAGENCY1 = '47000' Or PAGENCY2 = '47000' Or PAGENCY3 = '47000' Or FundSource LIKE '%VHCB%' Or EncumNotes LIKE '%VHCB%'
Description: GIS dataset representing VDHP's legal interest in land. The parcel layer will show acquisition history when the GIS development has been completed.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: GAPSTATUS, length: 2
, Coded Values:
[1: Permanent protection from conversion,no interference - for full description see metadata or standard.]
, [2: Permanent protection from conversion,some interference allowed - for full description see metadata or standard.]
, [3: Permanent protection from conversion,some extraction allowed - for full description see metadata or standard.]
, ...1 more...