- URL:https://<utilitynetworkservice-url>/exportSubnetwork(POST only)
- Version Introduced:10.6
The exportSubnetwork operation is used to export information about a subnetwork to a JSON file. This information can then be used by outside systems such as outage management and asset tracking. The exportSubnetwork operation allows you to delete corresponding rows in the Subnetworks table as long as the IsDeleted attribute is set to True. This indicates that a subnetwork source has been removed. Exporting a subnetwork is supported both synchronously and asynchronously.
The active portal account must be assigned a license with the ArcGIS Advanced Editing user type extension to use this operation.Request parameters
Parameter | Details |
f | Description: Optional parameter specifying the output format of the response. The default response format is html. Values: html | json |
gdbVersion | Description: Optional parameter specifying the name of the geodatabase version. The default value is DEFAULT. Syntax: gdbVersion=<version> |
sessionId | Description: Optional parameter specifying the token (guid) used to lock the version. If the calling client is editing a named version, the session ID must be provided; if the client is editing DEFAULT, the version may not be locked and the session ID should not be specified. Syntax: sessionId=<guid> |
moment | Description: Optional parameter specifying the session moment. The default value is the version's current moment. This should only be specified by the client when they do not want to use the current moment. |
domainNetworkName | Description: The name of the domain network of which the subnetwork is a part. Syntax: domainNetworkName=<name> |
tierName | Description: The name of the tier of which the subnetwork is a part. Syntax: tierName=<name> |
subnetworkName | Description: The name of the subnetwork to update. Syntax: subnetworkName=<name> |
exportAcknowledgement | Description: Optional parameter specifying whether the export is acknowledged. The default value is false. If true, the default version is required for gdbVersion. Values: true | false |
traceConfiguration | Description: Optional parameter specifying the collection of trace configuration parameters. See the traceConfiguration parameter in the Trace topic. Syntax: traceConfiguration=<trace configuration> |
resultTypes | Description: Optional parameter specifying the types of results to return. Note:The resultTypes parameter requires ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7 or later. ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8.1 or later is required when using the associations or aggregatedGeometry type. The includeDomainDescriptions option requires ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1 or later. Syntax:
async | Description: Specifies whether the request will be processed asynchronously. If true, the request is processed as an asynchronous job, and a URL is returned that a client can visit to check the status of the job. The default is false. Values: true | false This parameter was introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1. |
outSR | Description: Optional parameter specifying the output spatial reference. Syntax: outSR={wkid=<wkid>} This parameter was introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.1. |
JSON Response syntax
JSON response (when async = false):
"moment" : <datetime>,
"subnetworkHasBeenDeleted" : <true | false>,
"url" : "<url>", // url of created connectivity file
"success" : <true | false>,
"error" : { // only if success is false
"extendedCode" : <HRESULT>,
"message" : <error message>,
"details" : [ <detail> ]
JSON response (when async = true):
"statusUrl" : <url>
JSON response to the status URL (when pending or in progress):
"status" : "<Pending | InProgress>",
"submissionTime" : <datetime>,
"lastUpdatedTime" : <datetime>
JSON response to the status URL (when completed):
"moment" : <datetime>,
"subnetworkHasBeenDeleted" : <true | false>,
"url" : "<url>", // url of created connectivity file
"status" : "Completed",
"submissionTime" : <datetime>,
"lastUpdatedTime" : <datetime>,
"success" : <true | false>,
"error" : { // only if success is false
"extendedCode" : <HRESULT>,
"message" : <error message>,
"details" : [ <detail> ]
Export JSON file format for 2.9 and later or 10.9.1 and later:
"controllers": [
"networkSourceId": <long>,
"globalId": <guid>,
"objectId": <long>,
"terminalId": <long>,
"assetGroupCode": <long>,
"assetTypeCode": <long>,
"geometry": <geometry>,
"networkSourceName" : <string>,
"assetGroupName" : <string>,
"assetTypeName" : <string>,
"terminalName" : <string>
"featureElements": [
"networkSourceId": <long>,
"globalId": <guid>,
"objectId": <long>,
"assetGroupCode": <long>,
"assetTypeCode": <long>,
"positionFrom": <double>, // line features only
"positionTo": <double>, // line features only
"geometry": <geometry>,
"networkSourceName" : <string>,
"assetGroupName" : <string>,
"assetTypeName" : <string>,
"terminalName" : <string>,
"fieldValues" : [
"fieldName" : <value>,
"value" : <value>,
"description" : <string>
"networkAttributeValues" : [],
"networkAttributeDescriptions" : [
"connectivity": [
"viaNetworkSourceId": <long>,
"viaGlobalId": <guid>,
"viaObjectId": <long>,
"viaPositionFrom": <double>,
"viaPositionTo": <double>,
"viaGeometry": <geometry>,
"fromNetworkSourceId": <long>,
"fromGlobalId": <guid>,
"fromObjectId": <long>,
"fromTerminalId": <long>,
"fromGeometry": <geometry>
"toNetworkSourceId": <long>,
"toGlobalId": <guid>,
"toObjectId": <long>,
"toTerminalId": <long>,
"toGeometry": <geometry>
"viaNetworkSourceName" : <string>,
"fromNetworkSourceName" : <string>,
"fromTerminalName" : <string>,
"toNetworkSourceName" : <string>,
"toTerminalName" : <string>
"associations": [
"associationType" : "containment" | "attachment",
"fromNetworkSourceId": <long>,
"fromGlobalId": <guid>,
"fromTerminalId": <long>,
"toNetworkSourceId": <long>,
"toGlobalId": <guid>,
"toTerminalId": <long>,
"fromNetworkSourceName" : <string>,
"fromTerminalName" : <string>,
"toNetworkSourceName" : <string>,
"toTerminalName" : <string>
"networkSourceId": "string",
"resultTypes": [
"type": "features" | "connectivity" | "controllers" | "associations",
"includeGeometry": true | false,
"includePropagatedValues": true | false,
"networkAttributeNames": ["<networkAttributeName1>", ...],
"diagramTemplateName": "",
"resultTypeFields": [
"networkSourceId": <long>,
"fieldName": "<string>"
"spatialReference": <spatialReference>
Export JSON file format for 2.3 and later or 10.7 and later:
- If nothing is specified for the resultTypes parameter, the JSON export format for 2.2 and earlier or 10.6.1 and earlier versions is returned.
- If at least one item is specified in the resultTypes parameter, controllers are automatically included in the file by default.
"controllers": [
"networkSourceId": <long>,
"globalId": <guid>,
"objectId": <long>,
"terminalId": <long>,
"assetGroupCode": <long>,
"assetTypeCode": <long>,
"geometry": <geometry>
"featureElements": [
"networkSourceId": <long>,
"globalId": <guid>,
"objectId": <long>,
"assetGroupCode": <long>,
"assetTypeCode": <long>,
"positionFrom": <double>, // line features only
"positionTo": <double>, // line features only
"geometry": <geometry>,
"networkAttributesValues" : [{"<attributeName>" : <value>, ... }, ... ]
"fieldValues" : [
"fieldName" : <value>,
"value" : <value>
}, ...]
"connectivity": [
"viaNetworkSourceId": <long>,
"viaGlobalId": <guid>,
"viaObjectId": <long>,
"viaPositionFrom": <double>,
"viaPositionTo": <double>,
"viaGeometry": <geometry>,
"fromNetworkSourceId": <long>,
"fromGlobalId": <guid>,
"fromObjectId": <long>,
"fromTerminalId": <long>,
"fromGeometry": <geometry>
"toNetworkSourceId": <long>,
"toGlobalId": <guid>,
"toObjectId": <long>,
"toTerminalId": <long>,
"toGeometry": <geometry>
"associations": [
"associationType" : "containment" | "attachment",
"fromNetworkSourceId": <long>,
"fromGlobalId": <guid>,
"fromTerminalId": <long>,
"toNetworkSourceId": <long>,
"toGlobalId": <guid>,
"toTerminalId": <long>
"networkSourceId": "sourceName",
"resultTypes": [
"type": "features" | "connectivity" | "controllers" | "associations",
"includeGeometry": true | false,
"includePropagatedValues": true | false,
"networkAttributeNames": ["<networkAttributeName1>", ...],
"diagramTemplateName": "",
"resultTypeFields": [
"networkSourceId": <long>,
"fieldName": "<name>"
"spatialReference": <spatialReference>
Export JSON file format for 2.2 and earlier or 10.6.1 and earlier:
"type" : "tabular",
"sourceMapping" : {
"sourceId1" : sourceName1,
"sourceId2" : sourceName2,
. . .
"rows" : [
"viaSourceId" : <long>,
"viaGlobalId" : <guid>,
"viaSubtypeName" : <name>,
"viaGeometry" : <geometry>,
"fromSourceId" : <long>,
"fromGlobalId" : <guid>,
"fromSubtypeName" : <name>,
"fromTerminalId" : <long>,
"fromGeometry" : <geometry>
"toSourceId" : <long>,
"toGlobalId" : <guid>,
"toSubtypeName" : <name>,
"toTerminalId" : <long>,
"toGeometry" : <geometry>
"controllers: [
"networkSourceId" : <long>,
"globalId" : <guid>,
"terminalId" : <long>,
Example usage
Export the RMT001 subnetwork from the Electric Distribution tier in the Electric domain network using the exportSubnetwork operation. The resultTypes parameter includes features, connectivity, and associations values.
Request URL and parameters:
tierName=Electric Distribution
"includeContainers": false,
"includeContent": false,
"includeStructures": false,
"includeBarriers": true,
"validateConsistency": true,
"includeIsolated": false,
"ignoreBarriersAtStartingPoints": false,
"domainNetworkName": "",
"tierName": "",
"targetTierName": "",
"subnetworkName": "",
"diagramTemplateName": "",
"shortestPathNetworkAttributeName": "",
"filterBitsetNetworkAttributeName": "",
"traversabilityScope": "junctionsAndEdges",
"conditionBarriers": [],
"functionBarriers": [],
"arcadeExpressionBarrier": "",
"filterBarriers": [],
"filterFunctionBarriers": [],
"filterScope": "junctionsAndEdges",
"functions": [],
"nearestNeighbor": {
"count": -1,
"costNetworkAttributeName": "",
"nearestCategories": [],
"nearestAssets": []
"outputFilters": [],
"outputConditions": [],
"propagators": []
"type": "features",
"includeGeometry": false,
"includePropagatedValues": false,
"networkAttributeNames": [],
"diagramTemplateName": "",
"resultTypeFields": []
"type": "connectivity",
"includeGeometry": false,
"includePropagatedValues": false,
"networkAttributeNames": [],
"diagramTemplateName": "",
"resultTypeFields": []
"type": "associations",
"includeGeometry": false,
"includePropagatedValues": false,
"networkAttributeNames": [],
"diagramTemplateName": "",
"resultTypeFields": []
JSON response (async=false):
"moment": 1585062452073,
"url": "https://myserver.esri.com/server/rest/directories/arcgisoutput/LandUse_MapServer/_aD8622EF3-25AD-4996-B304-EAE53BDAF8C7.json",
"subnetworkHasBeenDeleted": false,
"success": true
"controllers": [
"networkSourceId": 6,
"globalId": "{05904716-F47D-47C9-A7A2-B5C29F5125C5}",
"objectId": 208,
"terminalId": 3,
"assetGroupCode": 1,
"assetTypeCode": 1
"featureElements": [
"networkSourceId": 5,
"globalId": "{4F4B31E8-7730-49D4-82EE-F2863B555400}",
"objectId": 12,
"terminalId": 1,
"assetGroupCode": 1,
"assetTypeCode": 1
"networkSourceId": 9,
"globalId": "{900D280C-90A5-459D-BD01-D8A693E94D8E}",
"objectId": 517,
"terminalId": 1,
"assetGroupCode": 1,
"assetTypeCode": 1
"networkSourceId": 6,
"globalId": "{05904716-F47D-47C9-A7A2-B5C29F5125C5}",
"objectId": 208,
"terminalId": 3,
"assetGroupCode": 1,
"assetTypeCode": 1
"networkSourceId": 9,
"globalId": "{A565A71F-5ACF-4434-B355-803CC447FABF}",
"objectId": 521,
"terminalId": 1,
"assetGroupCode": 1,
"assetTypeCode": 1
"networkSourceId": 9,
"globalId": "{BE462C5C-8A07-4EC7-BB74-42DBADC49638}",
"objectId": 518,
"terminalId": 1,
"assetGroupCode": 1,
"assetTypeCode": 1
"networkSourceId": 9,
"globalId": "{18442C7D-96E8-4B14-ACD3-BBC171CC08C0}",
"objectId": 519,
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"assetTypeCode": 1
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"globalId": "{A70839CB-1EF1-49A2-9B58-FC5154FE0BCA}",
"objectId": 205,
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"assetTypeCode": 1
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"globalId": "{DE2ADDB1-02A1-409C-94CF-85B84A00F2CD}",
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"assetTypeCode": 1
"networkSourceId": 6,
"globalId": "{DE2ADDB1-02A1-409C-94CF-85B84A00F2CD}",
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"globalId": "{83851142-AEA3-45A4-A3DA-BECAF3B3E245}",
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"associations": [
"associationType": "containment",
"fromNetworkSourceId": 5,
"fromGlobalId": "{4F4B31E8-7730-49D4-82EE-F2863B555400}",
"fromTerminalId": 1,
"toNetworkSourceId": 6,
"toGlobalId": "{05904716-F47D-47C9-A7A2-B5C29F5125C5}",
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"fromTerminalId": 1,
"toNetworkSourceId": 9,
"toGlobalId": "{A565A71F-5ACF-4434-B355-803CC447FABF}",
"toTerminalId": 1
"associationType": "attachment",
"fromNetworkSourceId": 3,
"fromGlobalId": "{86F70EE7-CA0B-4FD1-BA1C-6E7658676874}",
"fromTerminalId": 1,
"toNetworkSourceId": 6,
"toGlobalId": "{64C0643C-44C8-4E57-B549-53EA2F64887D}",
"toTerminalId": 1
"sourceMapping": {
"1": "UN_6_Associations",
"2": "UN_6_SystemJunctions",
"4": "StructureJunction",
"6": "StructureBoundary",
"7": "StructureJunctionObject",
"5": "StructureLine",
"8": "StructureEdgeObject",
"9": "ElectricDistributionDevice",
"11": "ElectricDistributionAssembly",
"12": "ElectricDistributionJunction",
"14": "ElectricDistributionJunctionObject",
"10": "ElectricDistributionLine",
"13": "ElectricDistributionSubnetLine",
"15": "ElectricDistributionEdgeObject"
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