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Service Statistics


The service statistics resource provides a view into the life cycle of all instances of the service on all server machines in the site.

Initially, all instances are in the notCreated state, but they move into the initializing state as they are constructed. The instances are not usable in any of these states. A fully constructed instance remains in the pool (in other words, the free state) before it's called into service. Instances are marked as busy when they're servicing requests. Once request processing is complete, instances are returned to the pool; they are free to service any other requests.

The transactions metric indicates the total number of invocations that have occurred on the service. Similarly, totalBusyTime indicates the total amount of time the service is in use servicing requests.

You can view the statistics for a machine or use the summary property, which consolidates the metrics from all server machines into one for the entire site.


Sometimes a service is not deployed on a server machine (if the machine could not be reached when the service was started), or the server machine may be stopped. In this case, the isStatisticsAvailable flag is set to false.

Request parameters


The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json | pjson

Example usage

Below is a sample request URL for the statistics resource:

JSON Response syntax

  "summary": { 
    "folderName": "<folder>", 
    "serviceName": "<serviceName>", 
    "type": "<serviceType>", 
    "startTime": "", 
    "max": <number>, 
    "busy": <number>, 
    "free": <number>, 
    "initializing": <number>, 
    "notCreated": <number>, 
    "transactions": <number>, 
    "totalBusyTime": <number>, 
    "isStatisticsAvailable": <true|false> 
  "perMachine": [
      "folderName": "<folder>", 
      "serviceName": "<serviceName>", 
      "type": "<serviceType>", 
      "machineName": "<server>", 
      "max": <number>, 
      "busy": <number>, 
      "free": <number>, 
      "initializing": <number>, 
      "notCreated": <number>, 
      "transactions": <number>, 
      "totalBusyTime": <number>, 
      "isStatisticsAvailable": <true|false> 

JSON Response example

  "summary": { 
    "folderName": "Maps", 
    "serviceName": "Seattle", 
    "type": "MapServer", 
    "startTime": "", 
    "max": 4, 
    "busy": 2, 
    "free": 2, 
    "initializing": 0, 
    "notCreated": 0, 
    "transactions": 130, 
    "totalBusyTime": 12400, 
    "isStatisticsAvailable": true 
  "perMachine": [ 
      "folderName": "Maps", 
      "serviceName": "Seattle", 
      "type": "MapServer", 
      "machineName": "MACHINE1.DOMAIN.COM", 
      "max": 2, 
      "busy": 1, 
      "free": 1, 
      "initializing": 0, 
      "notCreated": 0, 
      "transactions": 65, 
      "totalBusyTime": 6200, 
      "isStatisticsAvailable": true 
      "folderName": "Maps;", 
      "serviceName": "Seattle", 
      "type": "MapServer", 
      "machineName": "MACHINE2.DOMAIN.COM", 
      "max": 2, 
      "busy": 1, 
      "free": 1, 
      "initializing": 0, 
      "notCreated": 0, 
      "transactions": 65, 
      "totalBusyTime": 6200, 
      "isStatisticsAvailable": true 