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Create Snapshot


The create operation allows you to create a point-in-time, full snapshot of a notebook. Notebook snapshots are full copies of the notebook JSON preserved as a resource associated with the notebook item. By default, a notebook can have up to five snapshots. Once the maximum limit of snapshots is reached, additional snapshots cannot be created until one or more existing snapshots is deleted. Snapshots can only be created by the owner of a notebook item. Snapshots cannot be created for shared notebook items. If you have administrative privileges, you can modify the default limit of snapshots by configuring the maxSnapshotsPerNotebookItem system property.

Request parameters



The item ID of the notebook for which a snapshot is created. If no notebookJSON value is provided, the current saved state of the notebook will be stored as the snapshot for the item



A unique name for the snapshot.



A description of the snapshot.



By default, a snapshot will be created from the item currently saved as the itemID value. However, you can pass in a notebook JSON to save as the snapshot.



A Boolean property. When set to true, the snapshot will be accessible only to the owner of the notebook item. When set to false, the snapshot will be accessible to users with whom the notebook is shared.

Values: true | false


Supported in ArcGIS Notebook Server 11.0.

Indicates whether the snapshot is intended to be used to create or overwrite a web tool. This snapshot will not count toward the default snapshot limit of five.

A maximum of two notebook snapshots are allowed.

Use the resourceKey value of the resulting snapshot as the snapshotId value in the creatService or edit service operations.

Values: true | false


This parameter has been deprecated at ArcGIS Notebook Server 11.1. Starting at 11.1, a snapshot will automatically be created.



The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json | pjson

Example usage
&notebookJSON=<{notebook JSON}>

JSON Response syntax

  "snapshotResourceKey": "<snapshotResourceKey>",
  "status": "success|failure"

JSON Response example

  "snapshotResourceKey": "snapshot-eaafdf1d95c248e6bbf49543b6300975.json",
  "status": "success"